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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19573
This Months Entries: 13
My Total Entries: 0
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maker (7 entries)
squiz (5 entries)
alistair (1 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 23 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 14 )
alistair (Stoke Factor: 5 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2942

3rd April 2012
Hiking - Walking: Forest of Bonscodon
Wind Direction:
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Surf / Sea State:
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Weather: Cloudy with some rain
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Monday 2nd April 2012 – Shopping and sitting in Mc Donalds car park for Wi-Fi – cloudy then rain :(

Started off well after good night by Lac/River despite the music from a distant party downriver!!! Both do exercises, Mag looks to the loo bird watching on the way and sees her first tree creeper :) Breakfast then head to supermarket to see if we could get charger for laptop – there were three!!! Chose the mid priced one – bought some bits and tried the new charger which came an assortment of different plugs – non fitted :( Changed it for the most expensive charger – 56 Euro’s!!! and that didn’t work either:( got our money back and if by magic the old one started to work:) So off to Mc Donalds just up the road for a fun filled couple of hours uploading pics on facebook and sorting emails etc!!! And the weather has turned no blue sky today – cloudy :( As now getting on we head a short way up the road to Crots and drive up to the Abbe de Boscodon and it is closed and not a monk in sight – nice wooden roof though :) try all three mountain roads leading from Abbey, all are closed for the winter :( Park up at car park surrounded by high rocks and trees for coffee and cake and read, decide to have and walk along a marked nature trail and it starts to rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More tea with bread and jam – must stop eating as the pounds are creeping on :( Will try the walk tomorrow – weather permitting??? Must go, time for the evening meal :)

Tuesday 3rd April 2012 – Walking **** cloudy with some rain :(

Great night in the van, went to sleep with rain hitting the van roof but way too mild I think for snow at the top. After breakfast packed a picnic, donned our walking boots, I even had long trousers on today as cloudy and cooler:( we even took our walking sticks – my ski poles:) and cagoules!!! We started off at 11:15 at La Pepiniere 1190m in the small arboretum with 24 marked trees and bushes then up onto the mountain road that is still shut, just after a serious piece of four wheel drive bulldozer come log mover with massive snow chains went up!!! After a few hundred metres we came across the marked footpath and headed towards the sound of chainsaws!!! It was a wooded footpath used by the forestry people and we heard the sound of a couple of huge pines falling and after a couple of verses of I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay and shouting timber we came to the huge piece of plant pulling a huge truck up the slope and the French lumberjack cutting all the branches off – it was great to see and we couldn’t believe they could drive such a big piece of kit down a small forest footpath. We made it to the Belvedere du Colombier 1423m after about 90 minutes to stunning views of rock columns and snowy slopes :) We saw a sign down to the Colombier and took a chance that this was the river that our van was parked near; now this was a serious downhill narrow path winding steeply down to the Torrent of Colombier, sadly only a trickle but lovely all the same. It had started to rain now so we got to use the waterproof coats, which made it worthwhile carrying them up there!!! We stopped by the river for our picnic, cheese with a grey fur growing on the outside, looked gross but tasted great:) and we did actually make it right back to our van after about three hours in total. After coffee and biscuits and a another chapter from my great book – A Town like Alice I sad to Mag that I was taking my camera just down to the river to get some blurry shots and was gone 2 hours just wondering up the riverbed snapping away. When I got back to the van Mag was gone, she was worried and thought I had drowned in the river and was looking for me!!!! Mag made a great omelette for tea but we were a bit worried as a car from Belgium had been parked in the car park since ten this morning and as it was getting dark we were not sure what to do but we need not have worried as four very well equipped hikers including snowshoes came back before we rang the emergency services!!! And they had been hiking for nine hours!!!! Making our effort look like a stroll in the park :)!/media/set/?set=a.3129837677540.2137243.101266056 2&type=1

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